As part of the 1bukarest messeeingang 2014 020th trade fair "International Electric & Automation Show" in Bucharest, Romania, Matthias v. Senfft presented at the Congresul de energie si echipamente electrice din Romania regarding the theme "Surse Regenerabile de Energie" by introducing the Spanner wood cogeneration system to around 100 industry professionals.

In Romania, around 20 per cent of the people living in the countryside are not connected to the public electricity grid. The price for electricity is around 12 cents per Kwh; the average income in Romania is €390.00 net.

Forestry companies in particular showed interest in Matthias v. Senfft's lecture, as they still burn dry wood using old ovens or burners.

27% of Romania is covered in forests.

bukarest vortragssal 2014 01