wooden paletts for energy production

Since the end of 2019,  family-run bakery "Löwenbäcker Schaper" from German Brunswic have been using a Spanner Re² biomass power plant to generate electricity and heat from shredded pallets that accumulate during bakery operations.

"With the EnergyBlock from Spanner Re², we generate an average of about 45,000 kWh of electricity per month and which covers the largest part of our electricity requirements"  says Thomas Schaper, owner from Löwenbäcker Schaper.

Here you can download the complete press release: Bakery generate energy from pallets.

Picture 1: The German bakery "Löwenbäcker Schaper" produces electricity & heat from pallets with the turnkey biomass power plant of the company Spanner Re².
Picture 2: Shredded pallets are used as energy source. Source: Spanner Re² GmbH, www.holz-kraft.com